Crop Protection Division

Pre-Registration / Registration Bio-pesticide Efficacy Trials

HottiServe is now officially recognized as being competent to carry out Efficacy trials/testing of crop protection products for registration and pre registration purposes in Kenya. We are accredited by the Pest Control Products Board of Kenya (PCPB) to conduct Biological efficacy trials of fungicides, insecticides and herbicides on flowes and vegetables.

HottiServe guarantees our clients:

  • Trials carried out in line with Good Experimental Practice.
  • Where possible, access to an extensive group of growers and regions to assess viablility and consistency of product
  • Protocols are drawn up according to PCPB and EPPO guidelines
  • Frequent updates on trial status over the trial period.

Our Crop protection division has strong technical backstopping from the International Centre for Insect Pests Entomology (ICIPE) and our research fields are located in Nairobi. HottiServe’s combination of highly knowledgeable and professional staff and Consultants combined with local expertise and regional reach, enable products to be tested and researched extensively in a wide range of environmental conditions to validate product consistency and ensure accuracy of results.

The HottiServe Crop Protection Division is continuously working to develop novel systems that can enable small holder farmers’ access and enjoy the benefits of pesticides that are very effective in plant health, but are highly priced. This is done through the development of techniques and provision of services that avail theses products at an affordable price to the farmer.

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